Lari Masten

Lari Masten

Masten Valuation
3773 Cherry Creek North Drive, Suite 575
Denver, Colorado 80209
P: (303) 229-5517
VM: (303) 331-4430

Lari B. Masten focuses her professional time on business valuation, litigation, and consulting services as they apply to both private and public companies. She moved to Denver, Colorado, from Lubbock, Texas, in September of 2000 and has been in public accounting since 1987.

She has performed business valuations, economic damage calculations, purchase price allocations, and goodwill impairment testing for companies operating in a variety of industries including life sciences, personal/professional services, exploration and production of natural resources, manufacturing and distribution processes, real estate development and management, and agriculture-related service sectors.

She has been qualified as an expert witness, and her valuations, lost profits and damages calculations expert witness testimony have been for purposes of marital dissolution, estate and gift tax planning, damages, lost profits, bankruptcy, contract disputes, buy-sell agreements, purchase/sale transactions, goodwill impairment, and related matters.

Ms. Masten has written numerous articles relevant to her areas of expertise. She has been an invited guest speaker for various organizations on topics salient to the organization’s focus that have involved valuation standards compliance, business valuation fundamentals and advanced topics, litigation, estate planning/wealth retention, marital dissolution and business valuation case analysis. In addition, she is an instructor for the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts’ (NACVA) National Training & Development Team, which presents throughout the country approximately 14 weeks per year. In this capacity she teaches days four and five of NACVA’s week long Business Valuation Training Center, The Market Approach, Case Analysis, Special Purpose Valuations and The Valuation Process: Facts to Conclusion. Successful completion of this training center, and the related examination process, results in the participants’ receipt of their business valuation credential. Ms. Masten is also an instructor and development team member for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ five-day training course that leads to the Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) designation.

Ms. Masten is currently serving in the elected position of Chairman of the Education Quality Assurance Board of NACVA for 2010–2013, is a contributing member of the editorial advisor board to National Litigation Consultants’ Review and the Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis, and is an officer of the Colorado NACVA State Chapter. Ms. Masten received a Master of Science in Accounting degree from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, and is a licensed CPA in the states of Texas and Colorado. She holds the following designations: Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) through the AICPA and the Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) designation from the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts.

Provide business valuation, litigation support, business and financial consulting, acquisition analysis, income/loss projections, financial projections, financial and estate planning, commercial damages/contract disputes determinations and forensic accounting services to diverse clientele.

  • Elected Member and Past Chairman, NACVA Education Quality Assurance Board 2010–present
  • Elected Member and Past Chairman, NACVA Executive Advisory Board 2007–2010
  • Elected Member and Past Chairman, NACVA Valuation Credentialing Board 2004–2007
  • Instructor, National Training & Development Team for National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA)
  • Instructor, National Training & Development Team leading to attainment of the AICPA’s Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) credential
  • Member, ABV Exam Grading Task Force, AICPA, 2008–2010
  • Officer, Colorado State Chapter of NACVA
  • Member, Mentor Support Group, NACVA
  • Member, Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA)
  • Applicant, American Society of Appraisers (ASA)
  • Member, Appraisal Issues Task Force (AITF)
  • Member, American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts (AAEFE)
  • Member, National Association of Forensic Economics ( NAFE)
  • Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • Contributing Editorial Advisor, National Litigation Consultants’ Review (NLCR)
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis (JBVELA)

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Colorado and Texas
Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA)
Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV)
Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF)
Master of Science in Accounting (MSA), Texas Tech University–Lubbock, TX
Bachelor of Science, Texas Tech University
Ongoing continuing education in business valuation, taxation, financial planning, and other finance and management related areas on a yearly basis, with a minimum of 40 hrs. per year required to maintain professional certifications; however, averaging over 150 per year in order to fulfill certification requirements and increase consulting knowledge.

Instructor, NACVA’s National Training and Development Team, which is responsible for teaching the week long training course required by NACVA in order to obtain NACVA’s credential. Other courses taught and developed include Business Valuation Industry Standards and Advanced Topics.

Instructor and development team member, Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) National Training and Development Team, which is responsible for teaching the week-long training course required by AICPA in order to obtain the AICPA’s Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) credential.

Presents educational seminars and lectures across the country to professional and community interest groups on topics relating to business valuation, litigation support, wealth retention, estate planning, relevant tax topics and other issues germane to target audience. January 2011

Instructor of:

Business Valuation Training Center

BV: Case Analysis: Completed Transaction and Guideline Public Comparable Methods
Special Purpose Valuations
Case Studies in BV–Facts to Conclusion

Forensic Accounting Academy™

Foundations of Financial Forensics

MAFF: Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring