Program Advanced Forensic Accounting Clinic™
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts™, the Financial Forensics Academy™, and financialforensics®
Program Content

The Advanced Forensic Accounting Clinic™ (AFAC™) is intended for advanced financial forensics operators. Operators qualify as advanced based upon completion of the Forensic Accounting Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) Specialty Webinars or by virtue of their advanced and continued individual skill, knowledge, experience, education, or training.

The intensive two-day format is tailored to each AFAC’s attendee composition. Therefore, each attendee leaves with immediately usable forensic tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies applicable to their respective client assignments. Each AFAC attendee also receives a copy of Financial Forensics Body of Knowledge, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (if a copy was not previously provided with attendance at the Forensic Accounting Specialty Webinars). This book serves as part of the AFAC curriculum.

Further, each attendee receives up to two hours of post-AFAC, no-charge personal consultation with an instructor in support of one assignment. This feature must be accessed within 60 days of completion of the Clinic and is, of course, subject to clearing professional conflict.

The AFAC content is designed for both financial and non-financial professionals who require an introduction to sophisticated investigative and analytical skills to stay aware of increasing civil and criminal wrongdoer duplicity. Prior non-financial AFAC attendees have included attorneys, attorneys general, journalists, law enforcement (federal [FBI, DOJ, IRS], state [state police] and local [city and county detectives]), prosecutors (federal, state, and local), and regulators (SEC [compliance and enforcement], OSC), among others.

Advanced forensic skills are essential as people and money resources diminish. Those who complete AFAC are on the path to becoming qualified as Forensic Operators©…financial forensics-capable personnel who possess unique and specific skills, knowledge, experience, education, training, and integrity to succeed in the financial forensics discipline. Further, AFAC can help meet the experience requirement to obtain the MAFF credential.

AFAC content focuses on immediately usable and practical skillsnot theory. Attendees will immediately deploy their skills upon return to their responsibilities. The skills comprise some of the 300+ tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies imbedded within a proprietary, Internet-based, hyperlinked methodology, i.e. FA/IM© (Forensic Accounting/Investigation Methodology©). The 300+ financial forensics/forensic accounting tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies are offered nowhere else and in no other programs throughout the U.S.

FA/IM is the only financial forensics/forensic accounting methodology published by the United States Department of Justice and the American Bar Association. Attendees receive preliminary access to the Academy’s proprietary, contextually sensitive, Internet-based Forensic Accounting/Investigation Methodology© via a Process Map (patent-in-process).

Day 1: Financial Forensic/Forensic Accounting Tools, Techniques, and Methodologies

Day 1 of the Advanced Forensic Accounting Clinic delivers forensic tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies applicable to virtually every assignment. Such assignments may involve people, money, and patterns, e.g., litigation, economic benefit streams, valuation, alter ego, solvency, fraudulent transfer, et al.

Learning Objectives:
After completing this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Explain the criticality and deployment of the three major financial forensics methodologies
  • Differentiate the four phases, 13 stages, and five actions per stage for FA/IM
  • Apply 10-15 foundational techniques as the springboard to deploying the remaining 300 +/- techniques
Day 2: Uniquely Applied Financial Forensic/Forensic Accounting Tools

Day 2 of the Advanced Forensic Accounting Clinic takes all the tools and techniques learned in Day 1 to another level. You will continue to be exposed to new tools that can be used, but you will also be shown how to use these tools in a manner that will benefit your clients as well as your business. And you will learn how to manipulate the information in such a way that you can pass this plan onto others at your company so they can also use it to protect their clients.

Learning Objectives:
After completing this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Train others in their organization with respect to the foundational techniques
  • Identify their professional responsibilities regardless of financial or non-financial
  • Implement a continuous means of maintaining technical currency as new tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies are formalized
Who Should Attend
Anyone involved in the forensic discipline, including financial and non-financial professionals, attorneys, CPAs, law enforcement, regulators, et al, and MAFF candidates pursuing specialty tracks.
The Advanced Forensic Accounting Clinic is taught by Darrell D. Dorrell, CPA, ABV, MBA, CVA, ASA, CMA, DABFA, CFF; Gregory A. Gadawski, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE; Chris Hamilton, CPA, CVA, CFE, DABFA; and Jason Pierce, CPA, CMA, CFM, CVA, MAFF.
Where and When
Early Registration
Discounts and Deadlines
Dates Locations 10% 5%
September 16–17, 2014 Philadelphia, PA Expired 8/31/14
October 21–22, 2014 New Orleans, LA 8/31/14 9/30/14
December 9–10, 2014 San Diego, CA 10/31/14 11/30/14
March 17–18, 2015 Chicago, IL 1/31/15 2/28/15

This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.

Click here for a list of hotel locations, room rates and reservation information.
Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount) Non-Member Member
Two-day Clinic $1,200 $1,080
Register Now
To register: print, complete, and mail or fax (801-486-7500) the Registration Form to the Consultants' Training Institute (c/o NACVA); or complete the Registration Form and e-mail to; or call Member Services: (800) 677-2009.

Click here for the Registration Form.
Cancellation Policy
There is no charge to re-schedule training. Cancellations received in writing two weeks prior to the first day of the seminar will be eligible for a prompt refund. A $100 administration fee will be charged for three or more day’s registration at a Consultants' Training Institute and $50 for all other seminar registrations. Cancellations received less than two weeks prior to the first day of the scheduled event (and no-shows) will be issued, upon request, a credit which may be used toward a Consultants' Training Institute seminar, conference, self-study course, software, or product sold by NACVA. There are no exceptions to this policy.

For information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refunds, call our director of Member Services: (801) 486-0600.

Refund Policy for Airfare
CPE Hours
Delivery Method Group-Live
Program Level Overview
Advanced Preparation None
Prerequisites None
Fields of Study Accounting 2
Auditing 4
Communications 5
Specialized Knowledge and Applications 5
Total CPE Hours 16
For more information regarding CPE, Program Levels and Fields of Study please click here.
NASBA Sponsorship
The Consultants' Training Institute (CTI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: